You are invited to the public lecture organized by the Croatian Nuclear Society:
„Plannng and deciding on the NEK 2 project“,
which will be held on Wednesday 27.11.2019. at 17:30 h at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Unska 3, Zagreb (Gray hall). The speaker is Jože Špiler, dipl. ing., Advisor to the Managing Director, GENenergija, Krško, Slovenia.
About the speaker:
BSc in Electrical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana. 30 years of experience at Krško NPP in Comercial Nuclear Energy Development including Engineering, Safety, Licensing and Accident Management. Since 2006 at GENenergija responsibility for planning and preparatory activities for nuclear new build in Slovenija – Krsko 2 project.
1991 Westinghouse USA; Senior Reactor Operator License , NPP Operation
1989 Bled School of Management, Slovenija; General Management Course
1985 Westinghouse, USA; Station Nuclear Engineer Course, Fuel cycle&safety of NPP
1977 University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; BsC in Electrical engineeering
1978-1982 Start – up Engineer
1982-1988 Safety & Licencing Engineer
1988-2005 Technical services Manager with the responsibility for plant safety, fuel management, reactor operation surveillance activites and plant documentation
1992-2002 Shift Technical Advisor
2006 – May 2019 Manager planning&preparatory activities fort he construction of the New Power plant in Slovenia – Krsko 2,
June 2019 – Advisor to the Director General
Lecturer at several different IAEA training courses in the area of nuclear safety and licensing and participation at different IAEA advisory missions. Member EUR Steering Committee.
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