


This is the 12th in a series of successful international conferences organized by the Croatian Nuclear Society. The purpose of the conference series is to present and discuss the most relevant topics concerning the role and position of the nuclear option in the current energy balance, with special attention paid to the countries with small and medium electricity grids. In the societal context which is considerably marked by dynamic economic growth and concerns which include energy resources, potential climate changes and increasing greenhouse gas emission, the issue of ensuring reliable and sustainable energy is becoming ever more challenging.

Nuclear energy as the CO2 free energy source should have its place in resolving these concerns and enabling all countries to cope with challenges in such a context. In view of a good response and success of the previous conferences in the series, the 12th International Conference in Zadar will serve the same general purpose, concentrating on the topics which attracted the most interest in previous conferences.

The Conference will consider the nuclear option from the point of view of the national energy strategies, resources, costs, technological, organizational and educational requirements, as well as environmental advantages. It will also focus on the matters relating to operation and design safety, fuel cycle, waste management, and decommissioning.

The important goal of the Conference, as in the previous cases, will be to promote regional co-operation and exchange of experience in use of nuclear power and fuel cycle facilities among the countries with an interest in the nuclear option.


Osvrt na stanje u Nuklearnoj elektrani Zaporižja

Danas, 30. kolovoza 2022., je u Večernjem listu objavljeno da je jedna od zaraćenih strana granatirala „skladište goriva u nuklearnoj elektrani Zaporižja“ (https://www.vecernji.hr/vijesti/ruske-snage-trpe-gubitke-na-jugu-zelenski-vratit-cemo-okupatore-do-granica-1613099). Prema priloženoj satelitskoj snimci, vjerojatno se radi o zgradi za tretiranje nisko i srednje radioaktivnog otpada, dakle [...]

By |30.08.2022.|Categories: Naslovnica, Vijesti|0 Comments

Core Committee Meeting #2 Zagreb

Mreža mlade generacije Hrvatskog nuklearnog društva je od 24. do 26. lipnja 2022. ugostila predstavnike Mreže mlade generacije Europskog nuklearnog društva na 2. Core Committee Meetingu (CCM). To su bila tri dana produktivnog druženja. Razgledali smo Tehnički muzej [...]

By |29.06.2022.|Categories: Naslovnica|0 Comments

Tribina HND-a

Pozivamo Vas na tribinu koju organizira Hrvatsko nuklearno društvo pod naslovom: „Aktualne klimatske promjene - energetika, poljoprivreda, okoliš“, koja će se održati u četvrtak 07.07.2022. u 18:00 sati na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva, Unska 3, Zagreb (Siva vijećnica). Predavač je [...]

By |27.06.2022.|Categories: Naslovnica, Tribina|0 Comments

Index.hr o stanju u energetici

Profesori Davor Grgić i Željko Tomšić su za Index.hr govorili o problemu visokih cijena plina, ovisnosti EU o ruskom plinu, problemima s kojima se Njemačka suočava nakon zatvaranja nuklearnih elektrana, te ulozi nuklearne energije u zelenoj tranziciji. Više o tome [...]

By |17.02.2022.|Categories: Naslovnica, Vijesti|0 Comments

Osnovan Westinghouse Slovenija

Nakon potpisivanja ugovora o prvoj AP1000 elektrani u Ukrajini i ugovora o strateskom pertnerstvu sa Poljskom i Ceskom, a vezano za opredjeljenje Republike Slovenije da izgradi NEK 2, znakovito je i otvaranje Westinghouse internet stranice namijenjene Sloveniji na slovenskom i [...]

By |11.02.2022.|Categories: Naslovnica, Vijesti|0 Comments
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